
Sunday 17 December 2017

There are those who navigate the body of a woman, and only feel it as a satisfaction. Rene Davila.

1-The greatest blessing of a falsetto attached to your voice is when you tell me I love you in your ear.
Jose Humberto Davila.

2-I met her in the afternoon with a rose in her hair, she told me what to do, then we broke the ice.
Jose Humberto Davila.

3-When I slide my fingers through his skin, he tells me slowly, because there is not enough space to know.
Rene Davila.

4-Always his words of love slashed my skin with the perfumed smell of his bones.
Jose Humberto Davila.

5-At night I sleep with her, when the lark comes out she flees, but I know she will come back.
Rene Davila


The first time I lost myself in his immense body, but today I have it delimited with coordinates. Osirismelisa

He never lived on my skin, while he lied to me a thousand times I end up loving him. Rene Davil

Love phrases of osirismelisa.

1-When you see the full moon and you are cold, wrap yourself in the skin of the stars.
Jose Humberto Davila.

2-He told me I do not know if tomorrow you will be for me, so I told him only if the sun stops.
Rene Davila

3-A rainbow kissed my skin, to dawn with you.
Rene Davila.

4-I have had bad experiences, I have cried, suffered, lost and laughed, but I see everything funny.
Rene Davila

5-My story reflects that I assumed the hard blows of life, but I did it my way.
Jose Humberto Davila.

6-A love, what has he achieved? if it is not like that, it does not have love.
Rene Davila.

Inhabited Woman

He invited me to see the Titanic, but we went to the park and read "La Mujer Habitada" by Gioconda Belli, it is the day and he takes my hand to infinity.
Rene Davila

Let our dreams lift up flights and crystallize into a strange world. Rene Davila

1-If we can not achieve everything, we must continue to dream without looking back.
Jose Humberto Davila.

2-You have to dream, dream, dream and never stop dreaming, because dreams come true one day
Rene Davila.

3-Let's never stop fighting for love, because the reward is true love.
Rene Davila

There is one that is everything, my past my present and future, as nobody separated me from it.
Rene Davila.

5-Close the doors of the night, so that a whirlpool of my kisses lurks in your mouth.